Journey On Leavers’ Assembly

Over the next few weeks schools across the UK will be closing for the summer and saying goodbye to their oldest pupils, as they move on to the next stage of their education. We’re sure that as usual there will be many teachers trying to scramble together a last-minute Leavers’ Assembly performance. So, to help all these teachers out and save a lot of time, we thought we’d focus some attention on our best-selling assembly product: ‘Journey On Leavers’ Assembly’.

Journey On Leavers Assembly CD
Journey On

Originally published in 2009, Journey On has gone on to become our best-selling assembly title We believe that the main reasons for its enduring popularity are down to the very catchy, rock-based songs, along with a genuinely hilarious play script (Honey I Grew Down The Kid) which has now been performed in hundreds of schools across the country. We’ve also heard anecdotes about it being widely recommended through word of mouth and on various teachers forums. (more…)

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10 Leavers’ Assembly Ideas! Fresh ideas for Year 6 Leavers

It’s that time of year again when teachers everywhere are preparing for their school leavers’ assembly…

If you’re starting to make plans but find yourself short of inspiration, don’t panic! On this page you’ll find 10 Leavers’ Assembly Ideas for you to use for free.

1. Alien Invasion Play

Alien Invasion - Leavers' Assembly Ideas

Set the children the challenge of writing a play about an alien spaceship that lands on the school playground. A group of aliens enter the school with no knowledge of humans, feelings, school or our planet. The aliens have many questions which need answering, such as:

  • What is school?
  • What are friends?
  • Why do you have to leave school?
  • How do you feel?

As the children answer the questions, they share their memories of school, along with their feelings about what the future holds. (more…)

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